Elvira Azimova Photography

How to prepare for a wedding?

Plan my wedding: few recommendations to help planning your perfect day

Don't chase the ideal

There are no perfect weddings, something will definitely go wrong, but no one will notice. The sooner you allow yourself to relax, the easier and more comfortable the preparation will be. There is no need to chase trends and surprise can be fun, but not necessary. Your wedding is your celebration, let it be the way you want it to be.

I want you to be aware in advance that organizing your wedding is not only about choosing a wedding dress or the flowers, to make sure the preparation does become stressful and and tiring, try our recommendations


Don't let wedding planning take center stage in your relationship. Smile, praise and compliment each other, do not fall asleep in a quarrel, respect each other's wishes. Put up right away, don't put it off until tomorrow. And often say to each other: "I love you."


Determine in advance how much time you are willing to devote to preparation. Let it be 4 hours one day, 2 hours the next, get this time set aside and try to stick to it.

Discuss the wedding not only at home, but also on walks, when you’ve stopped at a cafe for a coffee, anywhere. It's a more relaxed atmosphere, new places can give inspiration, it might be a piece of decor in a coffee shop, it could be someone selling flowers as you pass through the train station.

Let each other relax and take a break from preparation, do not forget about your hobbies and favorite activities.


Get ready for the wedding together. So that no one has the feeling that only one person needs it, distribute responsibility. Brides pay much more attention to details, decor, style, while the groom pays much more attention to more global issues: how to organize logistics at the wedding, how much the banquet will cost, which location is better to choose, how the timing might work. Discuss who will be responsible for what. So everyone will have their own area of responsibility, and there will be much less claims of indifference. Respect each other's ideas and try to avoid conflicts.

Think of preparation as a test of how good you are at negotiating. Instead of arguing, find out from your partner why this is important to him. Perhaps you will see that his desire has serious reasons, and you will be ready to meet halfway and make it pleasant.


When it’s impossible to agree, and emotions get out of control, try writing letters to each other. Express in them everything that worries you - irritation, discontent, resentment, regret and love. Putting negative emotions on paper is a great way to look at them from the outside and realize all the negativity that you give to each other. Spilling thoughts on paper, you will become calmer and more reasonable. Be sure to write words of gratitude and love, describe positive emotions, because you are writing to your loved one. And at the end, try to write what answer you would like to receive from your other half.

Often the stress of preparation is due to the fact that you have taken on too many tasks. If necessary, find more contractors. Ask friends or family for help. If you are worried that someone might not create what you have pictured in your head, write down your wishes in detail and explain as best as possible any complicated areas. And remember that everything can be changed and adjusted. Don't take everything on yourself.


Try to start preparing for the wedding at least 6 months in advance. This will allow you to make detailed to-do lists and devote enough time to them without sacrificing work and leisure.

Often, couples come up with impossible tasks for themselves, thereby complicating wedding preparations. Unrealistic deadlines, a huge list of expenses with a limited budget - all this only inflames relations. Soberly assess your capabilities and do not set impossible tasks in order to worry and quarrel less. Do not rush into preparation with your head and take on everything at once. Having prepared your pre-wedding plans step by step, determine for yourself approximate dates by which a specific task should be completed. Try to stick to this timeline but also understand that sometimes things just overrun and don’t concern yourself with it, approach it calmly and try to resolve the issue as soon as possible.

When you hear unsolicited advice, don't try to convince anyone. Smile, nod and do your own thing. And try to discuss the wedding less with those who do not support you, but criticize.

Get a notepad or a shared document on your phone/laptop and write down all the cases and tasks separately in order. At each stage of preparation, we will provide worksheets, use them to unload your head.